Create Your Best Chapter (after divorce or job loss)

Receive Compliments to Receive Love

Episode Summary

If you can learn to receive compliments, you become more open to receiving gifts, receiving help, and ultimately receiving abundance, hope, and love.

Episode Notes

Are you able to receive compliments? Or do you  resist and even deflect compliments?

Compliments are gifts given to us by others.

By deflecting compliments, you also deflect other gifts such as gifts of help, words of encouragement, material gifts, and even the gift of self-care. 

It's important to receive compliments because it allows your heart to be open to hope, abundance, money, purpose, and love.

Work With Me One-On-One

If you’d like to dive deeper into being able to truly receive, being able to open up your heart and bring in confidence, self-love and purpose, then I invite you to work with me. My work with clients is so special because we start on the inside – your beautiful inside – and I help you shine your light so that you can create a positive impact on the world. 

In this 8-week one-on-one coaching program, I'll help you fast track your heart-healing journey towards self-like, confidence, and greater fulfillment in your life. You deserve that, and the world needs you.

Apply to work with me


'Connected Conversation' - Join Other Women for Meaningful Connection

I'm inviting all you beautiful women to a Connected Conversation – a supportive online space for heart-to-heart conversations for deeper connection, meaningful conversation, and a way to give and receive support and love.

I truly believe the world needs more of this type of connection.

When we surround ourselves by inspiring, strong, wise women, we get inspiration, strength and the ability to tap into our own wisdom. And with this, we can better look after and support and love those around us. And then this ripples out into the world, creating a beautiful, positive impact.

Join me! The first Connected Conversation is Wednesday, June 29 from 7-8pm MT, on Zoom. The registration is $10 with all proceeds being donated to a charity that supports immigrant women.

Invite a friend, and let’s connect, support and inspire one another!

Join 'Connected Conversation'


Thank You!

Thank you for listening. I invite you to subscribe to this podcast so that you don't miss any episodes, and please share with someone who you think would benefit from the message. And, if you have an idea for a future topic please let me know!

Connect with me and learn more.

I help people heal their heart, allowing  them to gain clarity about what's important in their life, connect with their purpose, and take action to live a genuine and fulfilled life. Apply to work with me in my "Heal Your Heart" coaching program.